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Therapeutic Massage

Applying a harmonious blend of various massage modalities  such as trigger point therapy to release tension in specific points or areas of the body, mio-facial and joint release to make space and free up the joints, holistic massage for a whole body therapeutic experience, deep tissue massage to loosen up the deep layers of tension stored in the body...Antonella Maria Roselli tailors the experience to your specific needs and preferences.  

Whether you are looking for a therapeutic massage to relieve chronic or acute pain , a sports massage to relax and recharge your body after an event or to enhance your performance during training, a prenatal massage to soothe you and release tension in lower back, neck,hips...or a relaxing massage to release tension and reset your energy levels, we  most certainly have what your body needs to achieve a state of wellbeing and balance.



60min, 90min & 120min 


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